Computer assisted optical component design software - photonics
Design Workshop software for design of microelectronics and photonics computer components
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Physical Layout and Verification

dw-2000 is Design Workshop Technologies' flagship suite of products, used by customers worldwide to deliver winning designs for over twenty years.

dw-2000 enables the physical layout and verification of optical components built using planar waveguide technology and other semiconductor manufacturing techniques. Although available as separate modules, dw-2000 is an integrated environment consisting of a full-featured Layout Editor, a comprehensive Design Rule Checker, and a Data Conversion Module. All these modules share a common powerful Programming Environment allowing almost unlimited extendibility.

Many companies use planar technology to create optical waveguides on substrates utilizing manufacturing processes similar to those in the microelectronics industry. The benefits being high yield scalable manufacturing, a platform for further optical integration and improved quality over manual assembly techniques. Planar technology is currently being used to manufacture a variety of components including AWG, VOA, OADM, SOA and complex Planar Lightwave Circuits (PLC).

Design Workshop Technologies supports a large number of the leading edge photonic companies in achieving their goal of low cost, high yield optical components, by offering its dw-2000 software for physical layout and verification bundled with specialized features for the optic industry. Because of its flexibility and of the productivity it enables, dw-2000 is unparalleled on the market today.